Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award for Teaching Excellence

the first recipients of the
Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award,
seen here with David Kaun (center).
Upon receiving the first award, Matt McGinty remarked "As graduate students, there are lots of reasons not to devote time to teaching, including your own studies, but to be a good TA, you have to care about your students."
The Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award is administered by the Dean of the Division of Social Sciences and is based on academic merit. Two graduate student recipients, one from the Economics Department and one from another department in the Division of Social Sciences, will receive an award each year. For more information, please contact the Division of Social Sciences Dean's Office at (831) 459-2919, or visit the department's website.
Meet the 2023 Milam-McGinty-Kaun Award Recipients!
William Guerrero is a Ph.D. candidate and instructor in the Sociology Department whose reserach focuses on Cultural studies and politics.
Bhavyaa Sharma is a Ph.D. Graduate Student Instructor in the Economics Department focusing on Macro-Finance and Climate Change.