Joy Anderson
Name: Joy Anderson (they/them)
College: Kresge College
Department: Community Studies
What Award/ Scholarship did you receive? 2022-23 Dean's Undergraduate Award
What year do you expect to graduate? Spring 2023
Where do you call home? I was born and raised in the North Bay in Santa Rosa, California.
With all of the choices for college, what made UC Santa Cruz stand out? I chose UC Santa Cruz for many reasons, one of the biggest being the Community Studies program. Of all the colleges I looked at, this major stood out to me more than any other. As someone passionate about social justice with experience in the field, I was really intrigued by the program’s use of field study and on-the-ground work. I am grateful to say that this school and major were the right choices for me!
What is your field of focus? My work’s focus is on LGBTQIA+ support, education, and advocacy; my research specifically deals with queer and trans families and their strengths, importantly diverging from damage-centered models of research which have historically characterized the queer community as broken and sick.
What do you hope to do once you graduate from UC Santa Cruz? Upon graduation, I hope to go back to the nonprofit I served for several years before leaving to finish my degree here at UC Santa Cruz, where I can continue to offer LGBTQIA+ cultural competency trainings for local schools and business, lead support groups for queer and trans youth and adults, and mentor LGBTQIA+ young people.
What is one memorable moment that stands out for you as a student here? A memorable moment that stands out to me in my time as a student at UC Santa Cruz is my first day of classes in fall of 2021; even though I was incredibly nervous about moving away from home and finding myself in a place where I knew no one, my first course meeting in CMMU 10 made me feel like I was where I was supposed to be.
What is your one piece of advice for incoming students about life at UC Santa Cruz? I recommend that students speak up and use their voices as much as possible. Know when to be silent, respectful, and listen and learn from others, but don’t be afraid to share your own perspective and lived experiences with those around you. Your positionality is unique and can be used to help educate your community! Engage, reflect, and question your own ideas - but don’t be afraid to join the conversation.
How will this scholarship impact your academic life /research? This scholarship provides valuable validation that my research and perspectives are important and needed in both academic and everyday contexts and encourages me to continue this critical work. In a time when LGBTQIA+ people are increasingly villainized and our rights are under attack, this award affirms the value of queer and trans people and scholars in fighting for the recognition of our assets, diversity, beauty, and power.