Lilyana Sanchez
Name: Lilyana Sanchez
College: John R. Lewis College
Department: Feminist Studies
What Award/ Scholarship did you receive? 2023 Sabrina Greenfield Award
What year do you expect to graduate? 2026
Where do you call home? East Los Angeles, California
With all of the choices for college, what made UC Santa Cruz stand out? Santa Cruz stood out for me because of its beautiful campus and unique approach to social justice.
What is your field of focus? Feminist Studies
What do you hope to do once you graduate from UC Santa Cruz? Once I graduate, I aim to continue my journey in education and pursue graduate school.
What is one memorable moment that stands out for you as a student here? My first History of Consciousness class stands out for me because of the energy of the class. The material was fascinating and my classmates’ passion was unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
What is your one piece of advice for incoming students about life at UC Santa Cruz? When you come to UC Santa Cruz, just remember that you are meant to be here. Doubting yourself and undermining your worth is a recipe for disaster. Take the time to understand that you are as strong and capable to succeed as you allow yourself to be.
How will this scholarship impact your academic life /research? This scholarship has already impacted my academic life in such a wonderful way. I worry less about financing my education, allowing me to truly focus on my education.