Name: Marissa Fuentes
Department: Environmental Studies
What award/scholarship did you receive? CONCUR, Inc. Scholarship
What year are you (1st year, 3rd year)? 4th year
College: Rachel Carson College
Where do you call home? Los Angeles
With all of the choices for college, what made UC Santa Cruz stand out? Its beauty and its proximity to the coast. I am from a suburban town, and immedietly fell in love with the campus’ distance to the ocean during my Spring Spotlight tour.
What is your field of focus? Environmental studies and a minor in legal studies.
What do you hope to do once you graduate from UC Santa Cruz? I hope to attend law school and enter the environmental law field.
What is one memorable moment that stands out for you as a student here? Residing in College Eight (now Rachel Carson College) really did help influence my passion towards the environment. All the college’s required courses and student life revolved around sustainability and environmental justice issues, which really drove my interest in it as a freshman.
How will this scholarship impact your academic life/research? This scholarship will really help me be able to afford finishing up my undergraduate degree and basic supplies for when I start law school this fall. This month includes several different visits to law school campuses as I complete the process of deciding where to attend.