Daphne White

Daphne White-400-x600Name:  Daphne White

College: Graduate Division

Department: Education 

What Award/ Scholarship did you receive? Delta Kappa Gamma Education Award

What year do you expect to graduate? July 2021

Where do you call home? I call both Santa Cruz & San Diego, California home. I currently live in Santa Cruz but will likely move back to Southern California after I graduate from UCSC.

With all of the choices for college, what made UC Santa Cruz stand out? The teacher preparation program at UC Santa Cruz emphasizes the importance of both social justice and equity in public education.

What is your field of focus? My field of focus is in the preliminary teaching credential in single-subject social science (secondary school grades 6-12).

What do you hope to do once you graduate from UC Santa Cruz? I hope to teach a social science class in either history, government and economics, or law at a public high school.

What is one memorable moment that stands out for you as a student here? I have had many memorable discussions with both instructors and fellow students in my social science teacher candidate cohort. Although we are in the online format for the entire duration of our program, we have supported and learned a lot from one another.

What is your one piece of advice for incoming students about life at UC Santa Cruz? Take advantage of the many opportunities for personal, academic, and professional achievement such as: getting to know your instructors/professors, applying for programs such as study abroad, applying for scholarships/fellowships, etc. Also, spend plenty of time taking in the beautiful nature on the UCSC campus!

How will this scholarship impact your academic life /research? This scholarship provided me with financial support as I currently live in Santa Cruz but plan to move after my graduation. This will help me in my decision to apply to teaching positions that are not in the local region as I will be able to move in July 2021. I am currently living in Santa Cruz despite online classes in the case that the Santa Cruz City Schools district reopens schools during my placement as a student teacher.


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