Adrian Drummond-Cole
Name: Adrian Drummond-Cole
College: Graduate
Department: History of Consciousness
What Award/ Scholarship did you receive? The Hammett Fellowship in the Environmental Studies Department
What year do you expect to graduate? Summer of 2022
Where do you call home? Santa Cruz has been my home for many years, but I grew up in west Sonoma County, California.
With all of the choices for college, what made UC Santa Cruz stand out? UC Santa Cruz is world-renowned for its cutting edge interdisciplinary research and teaching.
What is your field of focus? My research builds on scholarship in the history of science, environmental history, and critical geography.
What do you hope to do once you graduate from UC Santa Cruz? I hope to continue to teach, write, and research.
What is one memorable moment that stands out for you as a student here? I have countless memories from my time at UCSC, but the most meaningful have been making friends and learning from my colleagues.
What is your one piece of advice for incoming students about life at UC Santa Cruz? I recommend that all incoming graduate students sign a union card.
How will this scholarship impact your academic life /research? Support from the Hammett Fellowship will enable me to complete the remaining chapters of my dissertation, including research trips to Kern County, California.