Nominate an Emeriti Faculty Member for a Distinguished Social Sciences Emeriti Faculty Award

We invite your nominations for the ninth annual Distinguished Social Sciences Emeriti Faculty Award.

Complete and submit the nomination form below.

Be sure to tell us why you feel your nominee is deserving of the award (200 word minimum).

Nominations for 2018-2019 will be accepted until May 31, 2019.

The Distinguished Social Sciences Emeriti Faculty Award is presented annually to an emerita/emeritus faculty member who has excelled not only in her or his scholarly, educational, or creative endeavors during her or his career and retirement, but who has continued to make noteworthy and meritorious contributions to UC Santa Cruz and the broader community. Click here for a list of the division’s current emeriti faculty.

Fill in each box and click the submit button. Boxes marked with an asterisk "*" are required.

First Name: *

Middle Initial:

Last Name: *

You Are: *
Community Member

Address: *

City: *

State: *

Zip Code: *

Preferred Email: *

Re-enter Preferred Email: *

Preferred Telephone Number: *

Tell us about your nominee:

Nominee's First Name: *

Nominee's Last Name: *

Please write a statement in the space below (200 word minimum) describing your nominee’s qualifications. Include as much information as possible about why your nominee is worthy of this honor. Links to online information about your nominee’s qualifications are very helpful.

** Submission Deadline May 31, 2019. **

Thank you for helping us recognize our most exemplary Emeriti Faculty!

If you have any questions, please contact Pam Dewey at (831) 459-2919.

See Also