Nominate an Outstanding Staff Member

We invite your nominations for the Division of Social Sciences Staff Recognition Award Program.

In recognition of outstanding service to the Division of Social Sciences and to the University, the division will award one or more division staff members a Staff Recognition Award. The winner will receive a cash award and a plaque, and will be publicly honored at the annual Fall Breakfast.

The following criteria will be used by the committee when evaluating candidates:

  • Breadth of nominations. Emphasis will be given to candidates who receive nominations from a variety of people with whom they work (from their supervisor, from their peers, and from their “customers” who might be students and/or faculty depending on the staff position), instead of the total number of nominations.
  • Quality of service. The quality of service as described in the nominations.
  • Degree of impact. The impact the candidate has had on the successful operation of the division/department/university as described in the nominations.
  • Years of service. While the award does not necessarily go to a person simply because they have served at UCSC a long time, years of service will be a consideration among the others outlined above.

Nominations for 2018-2019 will be accepted until 5p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2019.

To nominate an eligible (eligibility guidelines below) individual:

1) complete and submit the nomination form

2) email any supporting documentation describing the nominee’s qualifications and achievements to Executive Assistant Pam Dewey in the dean's office.

Your nomination will be forwarded to the committee named by the dean to make a recommendation.

Fill in each box and click the submit button. Boxes marked with an asterisk "*" are required.

First Name: *

Last Name: *

You Are: *
Community Member

Preferred Email: *

Re-enter Preferred Email: *

Tell us about your nominee:

Nominee's First Name: *

Nominee's Last Name: *

Please write a statement in the space below (200 word minimum) describing your nominee’s qualifications and achievements for this award, including references as appropriate to their distinguished performance within and beyond the job description, quality of service, degree of impact, personal interaction, initiative and/or creativity, years of service (with UCSC and/or within your unit), and/or any unique one-time contributions. This award is the highest honor that a staff member can obtain within the Social Sciences and a strong case must be made regarding the merit of the individual. Include as much information as possible about why your nominee is worthy of this honor. Links to online information about your nominee’s qualifications are very helpful.


To be eligible, a staff member must meet all of the following criteria. The employee must:

  • be appointed in a non-academic, career staff position in Social Sciences at the time of nomination
  • be employed by UCSC prior to 5/1/2019
  • have received, at least, a satisfactory performance evaluation during the 2017-2018 fiscal year
  • not have received a formal corrective action during the 2017-2018 fiscal year
  • be employed in a non-academic, career staff position in the Division of Social Sciences at the time of the distribution of the award (October 2019)